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Brian Dorr

Founder and CEO, Dorr Capital

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Brian Dorr

Founder and CEO, Dorr Capital

As founder of Dorr Capital, Brian is the strategic visionary of the company and is responsible for the growth and prosperity of its partners. His long-term market perspective and economic mindset has played a fundamental role in building the core business and scaling it to include new investment initiatives such as RealAlt High Yield Mortgage Fund Trust. Over his career, Brian has culminated an in-depth understanding of the real estate industry, working for institutions such as the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Canada ICI Capital Corporation, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ), MCAP, Quest Capital, and Infrastructure Ontario. Brian’s expert experience in underwriting, default management, and mortgage administration, teamed with his close network of lenders, investors, and borrowers has proven successful throughout the duration of his career. He holds an MBA, is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), maintains a Certified Property Management Designation (CPM), and is licensed by FSRA as a Mortgage Broker.

What the 1990s real estate crisis can teach us about today's Canadian real estate market

Brian Dorr Commercial Financing National Aug. 20 2024

GUEST SUBMISSION: Picture a time characterized by aggressive lending practices, substantial value adjustments, a severe liquidity shortage, and high borrowing rates, except it’s not the 1990s – it’s 2024. 


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