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The Title Page
Eric Haslett Vice-President, Commercial Solutions, FCT
Daniela DeTommaso President
Lori Sartor Vice President, Residential Solutions, Residential Lending Solutions and Default Solutions, FCT

Title fraud on the rise, property owners need to protect themselves

Daniela DeTommaso Residential Legal National Feb. 10 2023

It’s difficult to imagine someone could sell a home without the owner knowing – or that a purchase could be made under fraudulent terms without the buyer realizing – but situations like this are happening right now in Canada.

Real estate and proptech: A year in review and a glance into the future

Lori Sartor and Eric Haslett Residential Proptech National Dec. 23 2021
Technology has had a huge impact on the Canadian real estate industry over the past year and has taken digital transformation and innovation to new heights. However, despite the strides forward, many more hurdles and opportunities lie ahead, which is

Lumber: How one material cost impacts an entire industry

Lori Sartor and Eric Haslett Residential Pandemic National Jul. 14 2021
We’re more than halfway through 2021 and housing prices have continued to rise despite a deceleration in sales. In May this year, Canadian home sales fell 7.4 per cent and new listings dropped 6.4 per cent month-over-month, even as the

Top tech trends impacting commercial and residential real estate

Lori Sartor and Eric Haslett Residential Market Trends National Jun. 7 2021
Over the past few years, we have witnessed the growing impact of technology within the real estate landscape. While the pandemic created many challenges for the industry, it also served to accelerate already-existing trends. It has become clear that data,

Spotlight on spring real estate markets: Residential vs. commercial

Lori Sartor and Eric Haslett Residential Market Trends National May. 6 2021
The arrival of spring brings much more than just flowers and sunshine – it marks the beginning of a period of bustling activity as Canadians awaken from their winter hibernation. When it comes to real estate, the spring season is

Remote work and RE: Detecting, preventing fraud in a digital environment

Lori Sartor and Eric Haslett Residential Labour National Mar. 29 2021
At the outset of the pandemic, workforces across the country were required to transition to remote work with very little time to prepare. While most businesses recognized the importance of digital transformation prior to the pandemic, the need to adapt

How low can rates go: Navigating a long-term low rate environment

Lori Sartor and Eric Haslett Commercial Strategy National Mar. 4 2021
In March 2020, at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bank of Canada reduced the prime interest rate from 1.75 per cent to 0.25 per cent. This marked its lowest point since it dropped to this rate in 2009.

Thoughts, predictions for resilience and recovery in Canada’s real estate industry

Lori Sartor and Eric Haslett Residential Proptech National Jan. 22 2021
The year 2020 will forever be remembered as a year overwhelmed by uncertainty and disruption. The real estate industry, like most industries, was significantly impacted by the pandemic, with federal and provincial government shutdowns, physical distancing requirements and regulations adding

What we know about Canada’s real estate industry as we enter 2021

Lori Sartor and Eric Haslett Residential Strategy National Dec. 22 2020
If there has been one common theme throughout 2020, it has been uncertainty. From the surge in e-commerce and its impact on commercial spaces, to the rise of the remote workforce impacting vacancy rates and investment in home offices, this

Navigating a property purchase: Getting ahead of unexpected costs and risks

Lori Sartor and Eric Haslett Residential Buying and Selling National Nov. 23 2020
Purchasing a property is an exciting and significant accomplishment,  but the process can be complex and confusing. Across all types of real estate transactions, there is no “rulebook” to guide the process and buyers are often reliant on legal and

Real estate fraud: Is Canada’s digital transformation the problem or the solution?

Lori Sartor and Eric Haslett Residential Legal National Oct. 28 2020
The global pandemic has changed many industries, processes and ways of doing business. However, if there is one shift that was well underway prior to the pandemic, it’s the transition to an online world. The ongoing digital revolution has drastically

The importance of education and virtual learning in real estate

Lori Sartor and Eric Haslett Residential Market Trends National Oct. 1 2020
Welcome back to The Title Page! After a hiatus, we are excited to revamp The Title Page column, providing a series of articles aimed at giving you a better understanding of the ever-evolving real estate and title insurance industry. As

Title insurance — a matter of opinion

Eric Haslett Commercial Investors National Apr. 26 2016
“What more am I getting?” This is one of the first questions people ask when their lawyer suggests purchasing title insurance on a transaction. Traditionally, when a real estate deal closed, the purchaser and lender relied on a lawyer’s opinion

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